For many years now the debate over the "right to marry" has been a hot topic for politicians, religious leaders, the ACLU and GLBT advocates. It seems that most of the liberals who speak on it are weak in their arguments. Many don't seem to have the passion that the religious right do - so I, who considers myself a "conservative liberal", am go to expound on it to the best of my ability. I want to begin with the argument that marriage should be defined as strictly between a man and woman.
This will be rather brief to say the least. I recall several years back when two big corporations merged the press wrote of the "marriage" of these two giant companies. Not once did I hear any objections from the "right" that they should not use this word to define the merger of these two companies. I also remember during the trial of Scott Peterson that he was "married" to his statement. Imagine that - a human married to a statement. I also recall that after the announcement of John Edwards becoming John Kerry's running mate the term "marriage" was used to describe it. So now we have two inanimate objects that can marry. We have a man, who now is a convicted murderer being "married" to something he said, and we have two men, who are both already married, being "married" to each other, not because they love each other but because they are running "mates". But don't we dare allow two people of the same sex - not necessarily the same gender - to "marry" because that word should be used only to define the union of two straight people - even if they don't love each other. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm..........
My next topic is the argument that many use to support the idea that marriage should only be between people of the opposite sex. This argument is based on the fact that marriage is about family and about children. Well to get stupid for a quick minute - should all women have to get divorced after their child bearing years are over? Okay, even I think that is stupid. The couple that raised me from the age of six have now been married for 55 years! Congratulations Mom & Dad! Back to my point. If a woman is barren or a man sterile then neither of them should be allowed to get married. Everyone should have to take a physical exam to ensure they are capable of producing children. Also - and I hate to sound cold but what if the woman can't carry a child to full-term, should she not be allowed to get married or stay married? How about the couple that doesn't want children? What about women who are widowed or divorced after their child bearing years? The ones who seek companionship, they can't have children so why do we allow them to get married? Could it be because they have the God given right and also the Constitutional right for, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Are gay Americans some how not American? Do we not have the same Constitutional right as everyone else? I don't understand why this is anyone's business - and please don't tell me about the man-boy love thing or the bestiality thing - that is just stupid! We are talking about two consenting adults - humans! This should not be a right we should have to fight for - it is our right already to get married - it just seems that not many in Government want to recognize it for what it is. All we really should be fighting for is the right to be recognized as married.
Now let's talk about the whole biblical thing! Just a little background on me first. I was raised in the church, not just any church where we go on Christmas and Easter and other holidays or for weddings and funerals but a church that had morning and evening Sunday services, girl's sewing for the younger girls, youth fellowship and youth prayer groups for the teenagers - Friday's and Wednesday's! We were very involved in church and I had to wear dresses all my life going to school! Why? Because in the Bible in states that women should not dress like men. Of course, in the Middle East most men wear robes, so maybe we should have worn the pants and let the men wear the dresses since the Bible is a history about people from the middle eastern part of the world.
Sodom and Gomorrah - Genesis 20: And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;
Where do we get the idea from this King James Version passage that Sodom was a town full of people practicing homosexuality? If this were true, why would Lot offer up both his daughters to a bunch of men who wanted to have sex with men or in this particular case - they wanted to "know" Lot's guests, which just happened to be Angels and I am quite sure they could protect themselves. In fact, that is what they did when they closed the door on them. Two Angels against a town full of raving hormonal homosexual men! Now I don't doubt that this story is true, what I question is why so many Christians want to say it is about homosexuality - thus the word "sodomy". This is not the only town God destroyed by fire and brimstone but the other town didn't elude to any "homosexual activity" and I am not sure that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah does either.
In Leviticus it states that it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man.
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
This is not one of the Ten Commandments but what is recorded as a law that God spoke unto Moses.
Of course another law in Leviticus, Chapter 11: 9 " 'Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales. 10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales—whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water—you are to detest. 11 And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses. 12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you.
There goes your Shrimp - I don't hear anyone from the "right wing" condemning everyone for eating Shrimp or other tasty dishes, lobster, crab, etc. It is all in the same book in the Bible - I am not making this up! I do believe that if God felt this was a sin He would have surely remembered to make it the 11th Commandment! I think God had it right - don't you? Of course if you read Leviticus Chapter 11 - 21 or so you might find a lot of laws that seem ludicrous by today's standards. Please feel free to check it out. You can easily click on my "Bible" link and read it for yourself.
Don't take his name in vain, Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy, Have no other gods before Him, worship no graven images, obey your parents, do not covet anything of thy neighbors, do not bear false witness against thy neighbor, do not steal and do not commit adultery! I think that is the ten. I have met many "Christians" and I am not judging but just stating a fact, that have never even read the Bible, they just believe what they heard in Church or what they have been told and then want to judge others. Here is one for you -
Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged."
That was something Christ said, remember Christ, the Son of God, Who died on the cross to forgive us of our sins? Thus the word Christian - we are to be followers of Christ.
Off topic - sort of - These last couple of weeks there has been the "Larry Craig Scandal" and I don't know what he did or didn't do but I do know that one Congressman made a statement that what he did was "unforgivable"! Who is he to forgive Craig, his wife? his children? If even they have anything to say about it. God forgives, not some congressman! It seems every time one of these guys start judging another one for his infidelities or mistakes that God has a way of "outing" that person's faults as well! I wonder what they will come up with on the Congressman who said it. I don't know his name and I honestly don't care to.
Well enough of my rant for today - luckily for all of you I have work to do! If you read this and want to share it through email or paste it on your page feel free!
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