Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Sorry isn't good enough, time 4 me 2 get tough
1 of u liked it rough, another liked it off the cuff!

Why did I ever go there, lesbians all - please beware,
Don't ever bother 2 care, 4 them str8 bitches don't u dare!

Where now do I turn, a relationship I don't yearn,
B cuz I did learn, I will only feel the burn!

One didn't remember a date, another always was running late,
Another used me as bait, another liked to roller skate.

Yet another made me sweat, another 1 liked 2 bet,
1 in her way was set, another racked up a lot of debt.

1 of u can go str8 2 hell, oh the stories I could sell!
But I won't ever tell - does that ring a bell?

With one I truly had fun, another liked to lay in the sun!
I have yet 2 meet that special one, but 4 now this poem is done.

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